Friday, July 11, 2008

Survival of the Fittest?

Today we were eating lunch outside the Scott Theological College dining hall. Daniel and I were sitting on a stone wall with our plates on our laps. I felt a shadow come over me but thought it was just someone walking behind me. Suddenly, there was a brush of something in my hair, and then pressure on my plate. When I looked up I saw the back of a very large hawk flying away. Then I realized that my chicken was gone. He had swooped in, quite accurately, and taken my chicken! My fruit and rice were nearly untouched other than a trail of rice where his wing had brushed the plate. I was so startled that all I could do was cry, “My chicken! My chicken!” Once I regained my composure, I asked a veteran missionary sitting nearby if she had ever seen such a thing. She assured me that never, in over 30 years in Africa, had she seen a hawk steal chicken off a plate! From now on, I’ll be sitting under a tree to ward off the hawks.

1 comment:

Zach Pehta said...

Wow! What a story. Once I had toast sitting on a table in the basement of our house, I left my dog downstairs, while I went to get my cup of coffee. When I returned, the toast was gone and Kenai (my dog) was licking the plate. The hawk story is much more interesting, but thought you'd like to know!