Thursday, September 26, 2013
Village Evangelism
Friday, August 23, 2013
On a recent trip to the town of Mandritsara, I had the opportunity to travel with a local evangelist to a rural Tsimihety village. When we arrived, I noticed the water pump right away. Its mechanism and steel stood out in contrast to the mud and thatch huts of the village. The pump had been installed by a foreign NGO several years before and it was no longer working. At the time of its genesis, it seemed like a great idea… and free! But now its steel frame lay rusting away in the center of the village, an example of a foreign idea that never quite took hold.
As the church service began, I was amazed at the makeup of the congregation. Normally, a rural Madagascar church service is mainly filled with women and children. But this service had about 15 people on the old wooden benches, mostly men and no children.
The evangelist began his sermon by reading a passage of Scripture, which was in the highland (official) dialect. When the reading was finished, he turned his head, looked out the window and began to tell stories related to the reading and in the local Tsimihety dialect. The stories made sense to these people, rural rice farmers who spend long days in the fields. Stories in the dialect stick. People enjoy hearing them. They don’t rust or fade away.
Foreign models of development and ministry look good for a time but often fail to take root in deep and lasting ways. We are hoping to continue partnering with ministries that focus on developing people and offer sustainable development that transforms and renews the whole person. This would involve training that takes root at the heart level and makes sense to the local people.
Please pray that we will have many such opportunities to be involved with churches and church leaders who have a desire to see holistic transformation and heart change in this nation and not just quick fix solutions.
*AIM Madgascar has a project for Transformational Development. To give to this project through AIM, use fund SR-MAD-122-U Transformational Development
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
The Bara
Deep in the rain forest, in desert towns, under mango trees, and in small huts in distant villages, churches can be found in some of the most far-off, “unreached” places in Madagascar. But, often few, if any, from the local people group are represented in those gatherings.
Recently I visited the southern town of Betroka, a cultural center for the unreached Bara people, to encourage our new team of missionaries there. I met with the Assemblies of God pastor in the town. He explained that, like AIM, he wanted to reach out to the Bara but he couldn’t understand why they just wouldn’t respond to the gospel.
I was delighted to attend his church on Sunday morning – a small, rented room in the local school. The pastor preached the gospel to about 30 people, but all from other people groups. Where were the Bara? As I examined the service – a non-Bara pastor, songs in a different dialect, a foreign sermon from the highland culture, and the Bible in the highland language – it was really no wonder the Bara felt undrawn to the worship.
The road to Betroka is long and tiring, a dirt track that seems to go on forever. But the greens and blues paint the landscape on a backdrop of savannah grass, plains, and herds of Bara cattle. As I traveled through those vast expanses of green, a cool breeze steadily swept through the valley. And as the team members, all learning the Bara dialect, worked on memorizing Scripture from the new Bara translation of Luke, the strong wind blew in from the mountains. It was a wind of change sweeping through this valley, a breath of fresh air. To hear Christ’s words in a familiar way is to bring truth and hope to people who have not yet heard.
Please pray with us that these new missionaries would have opportunities to build relationships through their study of the Bara language and that through those relationships, a uniquely Bara expression of faith would follow.
*AIM Madagascar has a project for developing written materials in the local dialects. To give to this project through AIM, use fund SR-MAD-110-U Literature Development.
Hope for the future
As I travelled through the dusty beach town of Toliara, southern Madagascar, visiting AIM co-workers there, I was reminded of the statistic which says about 60% of the population of Madagascar is under the age of 14. Kids playing in the dust, bare feet kicking a ball of plastic bags, rolling old tires in the street, all big smiles and innocent hope in the future.
Many of the children here are physically hungry. But more than a need for food, the children are hungry for an opportunity, for hope that only good will come of them. The sad reality is that most youth will end up touched by drugs, alcohol, prostitution and a general desperation for lack of opportunity.
It should be a task of the church to reach out to the children, providing them with a future in Christ. But there are few, if any, churches with programs designed for children and youth. Beyond a youth choir or “scout” group, there is little effort being made to reach out to the majority of this country’s youth population.
Our desire is to bring lasting hope to these hungry faces. Part of AIM’s vision in Madagascar is to reach the youth of the country by creating a culturally appropriate model for youth ministry which can be packaged and used in churches throughout the island. We hope to have a team of missionaries based in Tulear for 2 years, working together to learn about the needs of the youth, then creating this model and training local people to make it available in churches throughout the nation. Please pray for wisdom in developing this team ministry, for people with a passion for children and youth ministry to join, and for the children to find an opportunity in Christ.
From the dusty streets of Toliara town, to the bright hope of a future in Christ for Madagascar’s children.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Preparing for Re-Entry
Do you know I’ve never even set foot in the USA since Obama became president? This morning I was trying to remember what “American” milk tastes like. I’m used to shopping in an open-air, dirty market and paying for everything in cash. I think I’ve signed my name on official documents less than 10 times in the past two years. So if I look overwhelmed when I walk into a crowded mall or hesitate before signing a credit card receipt, you’ll know why.
But in all this transition, there is much to be thankful for. God has blessed us with “home” in two places, halfway around the world from each other. And whether we’re here or there, He remains that constant, never-changing presence in our lives.
Bevohoka aho!
This phrase, in Malagasy, means, "My womb is full!" Or more simply put: "I'm pregnant!” But I think I’ve only said it a couple of times in my five months of pregnancy. In this country, it’s not considered appropriate to announce your pregnancy to any and everyone. The traditional Malagasy worry about witches cursing their unborn children. So you just wait until it “shows” for the word to spread. For me, that’s only been in the last couple of weeks! And still no one asks if I’m pregnant. Instead, they comment on my growing stomach or congratulate us on the “vahiny” (visitor) that is coming. In a culture where children are greatly prized and complete strangers ask how many children you have and are shocked if you say you don’t have any, there is such joy in pregnancy yet it’s somehow commonplace. No doubt when walking down the street here, you’ll meet at least five pregnant women in walking just a couple of kilometers.
I’ve enjoyed hearing the Malagasy perspective on pregnancy and childbirth. For example, sour things are to be eaten to help with morning sickness. You shouldn’t wear pants when pregnant as it can hurt the baby. After giving birth, you must keep warm, wearing as many clothes as you can, even if it is nearly 100 degrees! In order for the breast milk to come in, you should boil a certain kind of tiny little fish (called patsa) and drink the water. They say it’s filled with calcium and vitamins.
I’m sure I’ll gain even more insight from the Malagasy when we return with the baby in January. While I don’t believe all of these “words of wisdom,” I must admit they are doing something right! With the number of children, babies, and pregnant women around…this is the perfect testing ground for any new theory in child development!