Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Paint Truck

Yesterday while driving into the city we were caught in heavy traffic on a narrow, crowded road. Suddenly, we noticed people along the street in front of us stopping and turning to gape at something happening to a car up ahead. We thought maybe there had been an accident though this seemed unlikely considering we were already barely moving. Then the truck in front of us turned off, revealing a small white pick-up truck with some white unknown substance streaming off it's back bumper and onto the street. Daniel moved over to avoid driving through this white, sticky substance now lining the highway in even lines. Then we realized that this truck was hauling paint and one of the containers had overturned. The truck continued to draw a crowd of onlookers, all trying to figure out what was going on. For the next few kilometers, we watched as two men climbed out of the cab of the truck came around to the back, climbed on the bumper and began sorting through buckets and bags in the back, looking for the source of the paint leak. Finally, they found a big clear plastic bag filled that had "overturned." They put the bag in another container and set it off to the side. Then they ran back up to the cab. All the while the truck and our Land Rover were still moving slowly down the road! And the paint continued to stream unto the road...until we finally turned off.


Sue Webb said...

Sounds like a situation.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a sticky situation.